We have built strong relationships with various people, communities, and orphanages around the world since 2004, these partners allow us to be in-tune with the people we serve and allow us to truly act on our mission: to empower the individual.
We are grateful for the people and communities who have been so gracious and wonderful to us over the years, we love them and hope you will too.
Kwakha Indvodza, Swaziland
Kwakha Indvodza (KI, meaning, building a man) is the only male mentoring program in the country of Swaziland.
KI specializes in community-led programming, creating resilient, healthy, gender-equal male change-makers. Many of our young men have grown up in extreme poverty, the victims of abuse and without one or both parents. KI’s program provides a chance to break the cycle of violence, poverty and poor health and lifestyle choices.
We at Kaiizen are honored to be among KI’s oldest friends.
MOya Center, Swaziland
“The Moya Centre is an organization which aims to strengthen the future of Swaziland through the nurture of children by assisting with educational and psychosocial support programmes for orphaned and vulnerable children. Founded in 1999, the Moya Centre has transformed and evolved through creating appropriate responses to community needs. We work within a development framework, seeking to achieve long-term sustainable change. It is now a well established safe space for orphaned and vulnerable children in the Mahlanya community.” - Moya Website
Kaiizen has been involved with the Moya Center since 2007
Our HOme, India
Our Home is a “permanent family village for homeless and orphaned children” located in Kerala, Southern India.
Our Home believes that no child should be deprived the right to education, shelter, love, and adequate nutrition.
Our Home is led by the husband wife team of Chacko and Avi who have been creating a loving, family centered life for over 40 orphans since 2002.
Kaiizen has been bringing volunteers to Kerala since 2012, helping Our Home develop into a loving home in the mountains of India.
Niños de baja, Mexico
“Homes for Orphans of Mexican Extraction, Inc (d.b.a) Niños de Baja is a Christ-centered orphanage situated in El Porvenir, Mexico. Our primary focus is on providing comprehensive care to children who have endured the devastating effects of abuse, abandonment, and neglect by their families. We are deeply committed to meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of these vulnerable children.” — From the Niños de Baja Website
Kaiizen is honored to be working with Niños de Baja in Baja California, Mexico!